How young millionaires Singapore deal with stress

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How young millionaires Singapore deal with stress

Faced with stress, millionaire Adam Khoo not use words contained frustration, depressed as "nonsense", "never", "I can not".
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    Adam Khoo is one of the richest young millionaires Singapore. Currently he works in the field of training and is the author of many best-selling books such as "I Am Gifted, So Are You!", "8 habits help your financial wealth" ...

    Life Adam experienced many ups and downs, from the tough talk in schools to stress at work, life, emotions. It is important to help you succeed is to know how to manage stress in particular the tactics and training them to become a daily habit.


Millionaire Adam Khoo talk to the children in HCMC. Photo: QN.

Do not use negative words

"One of the things that can drag people down deep pit was negative rhetoric", Adam Khoo said. He himself has experienced violent childhood with bad comments of those around him, at times seemed about to fall. He noticed that every time you utter negative words, the mood becomes worse. However, when you say a word, they themselves actively as extra motivation. Every time beyond that experience, he summed himself a "Tips" new.

Adam Khoo said that the words contained frustration, depressed as "nonsense", "never", "I can not" ... can come from outside or inside them makes you lose a lot of energy volume and strength. One of the ways to not fall in tension, despair is to minimize the use of negative words and do not self-important all the problems around. "If you need to relieve, write down your thoughts. In fact, you'll notice a mouth sometimes operate both too fast and too outspoken may cause unpredictable consequences", million Young rich warnings.

Find yourself "medicine" to balance life

"No one knows your body than you," according to Adam Khoo, every person has a moral support, a place to help you find balance when life becomes chaotic. For him, it was family. Although busy with work, young dad always set aside a period of time to play and learn with her two daughters. Family always appear in the teachings of Adam Khoo in a witty and humorous, which is also a source of joy to help you reduce stress, stress.

"You just have to turn off the phone, constantly updating Facebook and play with the kids. Therefore, you will temporarily cut off the things causing the stress. Even finding a way out of the current trouble will help you easily find the way to solve the problem rather than staring thinking about it, "he shared.

Always appreciate what is there

Exposure to Adam Khoo, those around him always feel the philosophy "one must be grateful for everything is there." He said himself always tried never complained to the obstacles, difficulties or troubles in life. Attitude of gratitude, treats life very "attentive" so help me in the mood, energy and stable body.

Train habit of positive thinking

Adam Khoo said that people want to live long, healthy and productive, they must always think positive. That was the secret to abolish all anxiety, stress in the face of difficulties. He said: "When you think positively in a minute, you have one minute less stressed. Therefore, you need to lead your thoughts towards positive things. When that stress will surely have to go behind you ".

While bad things happen, it is difficult for us to think about the good things. The secret of Adam Khoo is thinking about nice things in the past to put ourselves out of the current situation worse. "Always prepare yourself the pleasure to have a nice day. That's the secret for me to get 'treasure joy' and overcome the setbacks in the journey started out tough," Adam shared .

When feeling "overwhelmed", please get help

On his road to success, Adam Khoo has received the help of many colleagues. He said that no one can work and succeed alone. The more you learn and go on a journey difficult time entrepreneur, young millionaires increasingly aware of the importance of sharing, help work with people around. "Sometimes, the cheer, sharing difficulties from colleagues, family and energize you actively to overcome the difficulties, giving you a more positive outlook. This will also help you quickly get rid of the tension, "he said.

"Life is giving away not only their own," should always consider how his later accomplishments achieved, Adam Khoo not afraid to share and help others achieve success. Every speech he millionaires become an inspiration to thousands of young people around the world in education, career. In mid September, he will join billionaire Richard Branson, share life experiences, experience stress reliever and business success for youth HCMC.

Work you love

Instead of struggling gnawing stress, you free yourself in a certain time period by anything you like. Everyone has hobbies like listening to music, watching movies, reading, shopping, walking ... Who knows, while seemingly "stress" that you came up with new ideas solve current problems . "Above all, to have fun every day, I myself always find joy in your work. When work I love, it is not simply another job that is fun every day," he cast finals.


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