Osteoarthritis attacks young people

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Osteoarthritis attacks young people

Osteoarthritis attacks young people

In his forties, he Hoa joint pain. Doctors said the disease progression leads to severe osteoarthritis and hip osteonecrosis 2 sides.
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    Truong Thanh Hoa Anh Dak R'lap Countryside, Dak Nong, coffee beans should be year-round hard work, heavy lifting. He himself had a habit of drinking and smoking. Knowing joint pain, he has given up alcohol and drugs slowly but still have to work hard to illness worsened.

    Over decades suffered the pain of abuse, he Hoa bought many oral drugs but with no relief. Recently he could not go back as normal to the hospital in Ho Chi Minh City visit.

    Doctors Mental Hospital diagnosed him Saigon Hoa hip necrosis 2 sides, need joint replacement surgery immediately. After hip replacement surgery, the patient's health was recovering but need follow-up, while learning to walk and practice physical therapy.


After hip replacement surgery, his health Hoa has gradually recovered and is learning to walk. Photo: TT.

Master, Doctor Le Van Tu, Specialty musculoskeletal, Mental Hospital in Saigon, said recently of patients suffering from diseases related to musculoskeletal increase and rejuvenation. Previously osteoarthritis is thought of elderly patients, with frequent causes femoral neck fractures. Until now, many young people also have the disease, more common in men who have the habit of drinking, smoking, frequent heavy lifting. For women at midlife frequently joint pain for years have used steroids in the pharmaceutical or drug epidemiology unclear origin.

According to doctors, osteoarthritis is a disease involving blood vessels clogging the femoral head. The main reason to cause necrosis of the femoral head is due to the supply of blood to the head bone loss. There are 4 common mechanism follows:

- Lack of blood supply arteries, often traumatic femoral neck fracture, hip dislocation, fracture synovial artery to rupture the animal bones. Besides, hematoma and service condition can cause inflammation of the artery compression also causes blood flow to the femoral head is reduced.

- Venous congestion: Common Legg-Perthes disease in adolescents and young-Calve some of which matched disease like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis ...

- Congestion inside the capillary, especially sickle cell disease. One other patient was sick diver (caisson), while at certain depths which rapidly emerged to the surface the divers blood forming nitrogen gas bubbles clog small diameter capillaries.

- There is pinched capillaries in skeletal tube, but is common in people who drink and use long-term steroids.

The supportive care measures for patients with femoral head necrosis no artificial joint replacement include anti-inflammatory drug used to relieve pain, weight loss and a cane when moving, resting and limiting movement as lifting heavy, run and jump. Patients should abstain from alcohol, tobacco and stop taking steroids.

Measures to stem cell transplantation osteoarthritis treatment is evaluated as a potential new direction, applied in phase I, II, are studied and proven effectiveness.

With the further course, hip replacement is currently the only treatment is effective.


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