Stomach pain and what to know

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Stomach pain and what to know

Stomach pain and what to know
A small lesion in the stomach can be very painful, very uncomfortable, while a giant ulcer without symptoms.

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Master, Doctor Tran Quoc Vinh, International Clinic Yersin said simply stomach pains stomach injuries, often caused by gastritis, gastric ulcers and stomach cancer. Stomach pain can also damage organs near the stomach in the digestive tract such as the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) and esophagus (food path from the mouth to the stomach).

Can be referred to the injury of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum is the "stomach" by their projection on the abdominal pain score was similar.

Symptoms of stomach lesions

Stomach pain symptoms vary between individuals, there are people much pain, the patient less pain and the type of pain sometimes very different. The most common symptoms of stomachache suggestions include:

- Epigastric pain (lower stomach area between the breastbone and the navel on a few). The pain can often be immediate, burning pain or a dull ache and often involve fasting meal as pain, pain after eating it ...

- Flatulence, dyspepsia AM yoke.

- Nausea and vomiting.

- Belching, heartburn.

- Vomiting blood or black stools.

- Loss of appetite.

Ảnh minh họa: affinityhealth

Illustration : affinityhealth

Are stomach hurt as much heavier the pain

It was not always so. Stomach pain to not always proportional to the severity of gastric lesions. A small lesion in the stomach can be very painful, very uncomfortable while a giant ulcer without any symptoms, or negligible (ulcerative dumb). Some cases of gastric cancer does not cause severe symptoms considerably. Fortunately, such cases are rare and mainly in older people. Stomach pain is often more or less expressed symptoms. Should visit their doctor to be diagnosed and treated.

Causes stomach pain

- Stress (worry excessively prolonged): A US scientist has stressed, "No acid - No ulcer" that "no acid - no ulcer". Acid produced is controlled by the vegetative nervous system (nerves No. 10). Stress will irritate nerve of excessive acid formation caused stomach ulcers.

- Helicobacter Pylori Microbiology (HP) living in the gastric mucosa may cause inflammation, ulcers and stomach cancer. Sterilization HP reduce the risk of ulcers and stomach cancer.

- Medication: Prostaglandin protect the gastric mucosa and simultaneously an inflammatory factors. Use of anti-inflammatory drugs reduce prostaglandin levels cause inflammation - peptic ulcer.

- Diet too many spices and fat can make gastric irritation leading to stomach pain. The consequences are the same as drinking too much alcohol, smoking or eating disorders, eating hastily ...

- Due to systemic diseases such as diabetes, cirrhosis, Cushing's syndrome ...

How to determine a stomachache

Doctors rely on examination, the clinical symptoms and laboratory tests gastroscopy which until now was the most effective method.

Gastroscopy is a method of direct examination of the upper digestive tract (including esophagus, stomach and duodenum), thanks to a small, flexible tube about 9 mm in diameter, inserted through the mouth. By looking at the image on the scanner, doctors can know the extraordinary is happening inside. Since then, have been diagnosed and the appropriate treatment.

In addition to endoscopy, ultrasound can, CT or other measures?

Unfortunately it is not possible to use ultrasound or CT accurately diagnose stomach ailments. Air is the enemy of ultrasound, CT, but in particular the stomach and digestive tract in general is full of gas. Therefore ultrasound and CT can not accurately diagnose gastric disease. Further technical CT, ultrasound or other imaging means other one does not see a direct surface lining of the stomach, on the other hand can not take tissue samples for testing. So far endoscopy remains a priority in the stomachache and powerful improvements to the shed increasingly more comfortable.

Treatment for stomach pain

Stomach ulcers:

- Antacids to acid levels (such as proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers).

- Antibiotics to sterilize Helicobacter Pylori.

- Diet: Limit hot food, spicy. Limit foods that cause allergies such as lactose each individual dairy or gluten from bread. Restricting smoking, drinking alcohol.

- Improved quality of life, optimism, anxiety, avoid stress.

Stomach cancer:

- Stomach cancer early: It can cut the gastric mucosa during colonoscopy.

- Stomach cancer progression: Surgery.


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