25% of Vietnamese deaths from cardiovascular disease

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25% of Vietnamese deaths from cardiovascular disease

25% of Vietnamese deaths from cardiovascular disease

Each year, cardiovascular diseases claimed the lives of about 200,000 people, accounting for 1/4 of the total number of deaths from the disease in Vietnam.
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Share in the seminar "Update in the treatment of medical conditions," held in HCMC on 13/9, Nguyen Thy Khue associate professor and vice chairman of HCMC Medical Association said medical conditions are day increased dizziness. As of May 5/2015, there are about 1.4 million people suffer from heart related diseases. Vietnam Heart Association warned that by 2017, the country will be approximately 1/5 of the population of developing heart disease and hypertension.

"Hypertension prevalence has changed by 20-30% in the regions. Diabetes prevalence doubles every 10 years, accompanied by the implications of large and vascular complications Small blood vessels. In particular, strokes are common cardiovascular complication in Vietnam and perhaps more than a heart attack, "associate professor Khue said.

Tính đến tháng 5/ 2015, cả nước có khoảng 1,4 triệu người mắc các bệnh liên quan đến tim mạch. Ảnh minh họa: L.P

As of May 5/2015, there are about 1.4 million people suffer from heart related diseases. Illustration : L.P

Existing atherosclerotic disease is also problematic. When blood vessels and atherosclerotic plaque unstable, platelet aggregation will boot, causing blood clots and clog heart arteries. If a blockage occurs in the cranial blood vessels will cause strokes, in coronary causes myocardial infarction.

In developed countries, 50% of deaths from cardiovascular disease, of which 50% due to atherosclerosis. Venous thromboembolism is a silent disease can kill up to 80% of patients for asymptomatic patients. A recent study in Vietnam showed that over 22% of patients with acute medical and physical inactivity, if not prevention of VTE will be deep veins in the lower extremities.

According to experts, modern life with the problems of stress, anxiety, trauma appears more psychological. These factors impact on those who are not medical conditions, give rise to physical symptoms, especially in patients with cardiovascular although absolutely no physical injury. For patients with medical illness, psychological factors are thought to play an important role in generation, as severe or prolonged illness.

Patients affected by psychological factors increasingly popular and high percentage in the cardiology clinic, more than 20%. Therefore, the psychological factors in the treatment of cardiovascular disease plays an increasingly important role in the diagnosis and treatment for patients. Patients need counseling psychology, change the mode of living and working, avoid stress, exercise, yoga ...


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