Dangerous complications of diabetes

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Dangerous complications of diabetes

Dangerous complications of diabetes

People with diabetes are at high risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, nerve, kidney and eye ...
  • Early signs of diabetes / menu for diabetics
    Diabetes often causes many complications for patients, including:

    Cardiovascular disease


Image : Boldsky.

Heart and stroke is one of the most dangerous complications of diabetes. High blood sugar increases the deposition of fat in the arteries and slows blood flow causes. The narrow veins can not pump enough blood to the heart and cardiovascular disease risk increased.


The most common signs of diabetes is damaged nervous system. Causes of complications due to high blood sugar levels, hurting small blood vessels feeding the nerves. So the nerves kinhkhong get enough nutrients and oxygen, which leads to muscle weakness, mood changes, numbness or tingling in the fingers primarily.

Kidney failure

People with diabetes have high blood sugar levels damage the kidneys IC cells, reducing the kidney's filtration function and urine, causing kidney problems. If left untreated for a long time, progressive disease leads to kidney failure and destruction of kidney function. Thus patients often urination with high sugar levels.

Delayed wound healing

High sugar makes the blood vessels narrow and obstruct blood flow. Therefore, any wounds on the body needs a long time to heal. On the other hand, diabetes can be done to paralyze nerves, leading to wound infection more severe.

Eye disease


Image : Bolssky.

High blood sugar levels in the blood makes the small blood vessels in the retina become blocked, which can rupture causing redness, swelling stasis cause eye damage and retinopathy. Additionally, complications of diabetes also cause cataracts, glaucoma causes blindness.

Skin affected

When faced with any symptoms of fungal or bacterial infection on your skin, there may be complications from diabetes. Instead of ignoring it, please consult your doctor immediately.


The link between Alzheimer's and diabetes is unclear, the researchers still found that people with type 2 diabetes are at higher risk for Alzheimer's disease.


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