The photo helps the mother discovered his son had cancer eye

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The photo helps the mother discovered his son had cancer eye

In the photo shoot mother, her eyes appeared Isaac in England abnormal blip. The doctor said it was a sign of cancer tumors.
  • Detecting skin cancer thanks bruise on nails / boy eye cancer is detected by the photo shoot mother
    Like most mothers, Selam Shiferaw snap your child. Once she noticed in the photo, her eyes appeared a blip Isaac unusual. The first thing you do is search Google and fear, knowing had similar cases were identified Isaac and cancer.

    Selam immediately take their children to hospital and sadly, the doctor said her eyes behind a large tumor development since birth. The disease has progressed to the point almost Isaac would only have to put an eye surgery.


Snapshots help detect cancer of Isaac eye. Photo: Deborah Cicurel.

From a very young age, Isaac did not look into her eyes. However, the baby is happy, vivacious and Selam think their child is normal to abnormal blip date from the eyes in the photo.

Isaac began cancer treatment. Babies respond well, but gradually lost sight in both eyes. The family is still very optimistic about her future, only mother always blamed himself: "I get an eye exam every 3 months that they did not detect anything. Even after discovering bright spots in my eyes in the photo, I did not take her to check immediately. I was too subjective, I regret and anger because I was diagnosed late. "


My mother Selam and Isaac. Now your child is 4 years old. Photo: Deborah Cicurel.

Now, 4 years old Isaac had started school and cope with difficulties. First day at school went well, he can play in the yard. Babies recognize the other you can see that I did not and would ask parents why.

"I pray for all the best things will come with Isaac. I hope the school will help children develop physically, emotionally, intellectually and future child full of dreams. I hope you will become independent, self-confident, "Salem said. The emotional mother said:" Even now it's hard to see the light end of the tunnel, I was proud to be a mother of one kids happy, kind and intelligent. Son makes me proud every day and I love you. "


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